Sunday, July 12, 2009


It started getting pretty cold here at the end of June/early July. It
is still hot in the afternoon, but too cold to sit outside in the
morning without a jacket, and it gets really cold at night because the
house is not as insulated as ours at home are. I have not gotten tan
at all really, which is weird because we are still really close to the
equator, and it gets really hot in the afternoons. Here are some
things we have been doing since I last posted:

International Trade Fair-- This is an event held in Ndola each year,
and school is cancelled for a few days for it. People come from
several different countries to sell goods, etc. It is like a state
fair, mostly of people selling things, with a few performances. My dad
would be really proud of some of the deals I got there--the price of
one thing I bought started at K60,000, and I bought it for K30,000
($6). It was a really fun day.

Communion--Since the Community of Christ is a church that only does
communion on the first Sunday of every month, we only got one chance
to have an African communion (we were travelling the first Sunday of
June, and leave to come home the first Sunday of August). It was
almost exactly like ours at home, but they just said one prayer for
both the bread and the grape juice instead of two separate prayers.

Surveys/Church activities--We are almost done with the community
surveys about orphan needs for one community. We had training at
another church on Friday, and will have a training at yet another
church this Tuesday, and possibly another one this Friday. At the
church, we are finally getting settled in and getting to do our own
programs. We did our first bible study this week, went on a house
visit with our pastor, had our first Young Peacemaker's Club
yesterday, and are leaving soon for a young adult activity. We are
trying to keep busy, but sometimes we can not do too much because the
kids have school and the adults have to go to work, so we have some
days where we have nothing to do.

Our time here has gone really fast so far. It is hard to believe we
only have 3 weeks left and the summer is almost over.

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